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Beast Master Kennel

Top 3 Myths About Presa Canario Puppies Debunked

If you're considering bringing a Presa Canario puppy into your home, then you've probably heard a few things about this breed that has given you pause. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that surround Presa Canario puppies, which can make it challenging to separate fact from fiction. In this blog post, we aim to clear up some of the top myths about this breed, and provide you with the facts you need to make an informed decision about whether a Presa Canario puppy is right for you.

Explanation of Presa Canario Breed

The Presa Canario breed originated in the Canary Islands, where it was originally used for herding livestock and guarding property. These puppies are large, muscular dogs that can weigh up to 150 pounds when fully grown. Despite their size and strength, Presa Canario puppies are known for their loyalty and affection towards their families. They are highly intelligent and eager to please, which makes them excellent companions and working dogs.

Why it's important to dispel myths About Presa Canario

Unfortunately, Presa Canario puppies have gained a bit of a reputation for being aggressive, dangerous, and difficult to train. These myths can prevent potential owners from considering this breed, or worse, lead to misinformation that can cause harm to dogs and people alike. It's important to dispel these myths and provide accurate information about Presa Canario puppies so that people can make the right decision for themselves and their families.

Myth #1: Presa Canario Puppies are Aggressive

  • Explanation of breed temperament: While Presa Canario puppies are undoubtedly strong and protective, they are not inherently aggressive. Like any dog, their temperament is shaped by their environment, upbringing, and socialization. With proper training and socialization, Presa Canario puppies can be friendly, loving pets that get along well with other animals and people.

  • Importance of socialization and training: Socialization and training are crucial for any puppy, but especially for breeds like Presa Canario who are naturally protective. Early exposure to different people, animals, and environments can help your puppy develop a well-rounded personality and reduce the risk of fear or aggression later in life. Proper training can also help your puppy understand what behaviors are expected of them and how to respond to different situations.

  • Expert opinions and studies: According to the American Kennel Club, Presa Canario puppies are "intensely loyal" and "sensitive to their owners' moods." The UK Kennel Club states that Presa Canario puppies are "gentle giants" that are "protective by nature but not aggressive." Studies have also shown that breed-specific legislation that targets Presa Canario puppies as dangerous is not effective in reducing dog bite incidents.

Myth #2: Presa Canario Puppies are Dangerous Around Children

  • Explanation of breed's history as a family dog: Contrary to popular belief, Presa Canario puppies were originally bred as family dogs and were known for their loyalty and protectiveness towards their owners. They were often used to guard estates and protect livestock, but they were also valued for their affection and companionship towards children.

  • Importance of supervision and training: While Presa Canario puppies can be great with kids, it's important to supervise their interactions and teach children how to interact with dogs safely and respectfully. This includes teaching children not to approach or pet dogs without permission, not to pull on their tails or ears, and to avoid roughhousing or startling dogs.

  • Expert opinions and personal anecdotes: Many Presa Canario owners report that their dogs are gentle and loving with children. The UK Kennel Club states that Presa Canario puppies "make excellent companions for families with children, provided they are brought up together, under strict adult supervision, and with an emphasis on training, socialization, and responsible ownership."

Myth #3: Presa Canario Puppies are Difficult to Train

  • Explanation of breed's intelligence and willingness to please: Presa Canario puppies are highly intelligent and eager to please, which makes them excellent candidates for training. They respond well to positive reinforcement techniques like clicker training and treat rewards, and they are known for their eagerness to learn new things and please their owners.

  • Importance of positive reinforcement training methods: Like any dog, Presa Canario puppies respond best to training methods that are based on positive reinforcement rather than punishment. This means rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, and playtime, rather than scolding or physical corrections for bad behavior.

  • Expert opinions and personal anecdotes: Many Presa Canario owners report that their dogs are easy to train and enjoy learning new things. The American Kennel Club states that Presa Canario puppies are "highly trainable" and "respond well to obedience training."


  • Recap of debunked myths and importance of doing research before adopting any breed: Presa Canario puppies are not naturally aggressive, dangerous, or difficult to train. These myths are based on misinformation and can prevent potential owners from considering this breed. It's important to do your research and talk to experts and other owners to get an accurate picture of what owning a Presa Canario puppy is really like.

  • Encouragement for responsible ownership: Like any dog, Presa Canario puppies require responsible ownership, including proper training, socialization, and care. This includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and regular visits to the vet. With the right care and attention, Presa Canario puppies can be loyal, affectionate, and well-behaved companions for years to come.


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