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Beast Master Kennel

The finest Presa Canario dogs are expected to have certain physical attributes that meet the breed standard. These include a muscular build, a powerful and broad head, a strong jaw, and a thick neck. They should also have a thick and shiny coat, with colors ranging from fawn to brindle to black.

Physical Attributes

Presa Canario dogs are known for their loyalty, courage, and protective instincts. The finest Presa Canario dogs should have a balanced temperament, which means they are calm and confident in nature but also possess a natural instinct for protection. They should be highly trainable and obedient, with a strong desire to please their owners.


The finest Presa Canario dogs should have health clearances for conditions such as hip and elbow dysplasia, heart conditions, and eye problems. Health testing helps to ensure that the puppies produced from these breeding dogs have the best chance of being healthy and thriving.

Health Clearances

Discover the outstanding features
that make the Presa Canario
a true force to be reckoned with!

At Beast Master Kennels, we are thrilled to introduce you to our exceptional Presa Canario stud, Igor. Igor is a magnificent example of the breed, with impressive physical attributes, an exceptional temperament, and a remarkable pedigree.

Igor has been extensively health tested and has received all the necessary certifications to ensure the best possible offspring. He is a loyal and devoted dog who possesses a natural instinct for protection and an unwavering loyalty to his family.

Robust de Guardian moon

aka 'igor the king'

Introducing the

Age of the titans

The largest presa canarios

At our kennel, we believe in quality over quantity. We are dedicated to ensuring the quality, safety, and well-being of all our pets. For us, the happiest days are when one of our animals is adopted by a loving and welcoming family.

The Presa Canario is a magnificent breed that originates from the Canary Islands. Known for their striking coat, guard dog qualities, and sheep/cattle herding abilities, the Presa Canario breed size standard ranges from 90-145 pounds, with our dogs ranging from 110 to 172 pounds.

We love the breed for its confidence and the power of its presence. We particularly appreciate the original Dogo Presa Canario lines, which have minimal white or white patches, larger size, and a stable temperament. We have worked tirelessly to build the lines that we believe are the best, and we are proud to offer some of the finest Presa Canario dogs in the industry.

Quality, Safety, Well-being and good genes is
Our Promise to You and Your Presa Canario
beast master kennel

Breeding top Presas since 1998

beast master kennel

We believe in quality over quantity.


We're dedicated to ensuring our pets' safety, well-being, and happiness, and nothing makes us happier than seeing them adopted by loving families. Our Presa Canario puppies for sale are no exception.

beast master kennel

This magnificent breed, originating from the Canary Islands, is known for its striking coat, guarding instincts, and herding abilities. Our puppies range from 110 to 172 pounds and command a powerful presence wherever they go.

We specialize in the original Dogo Presa Canario lines, which are larger in size and have a strong, stable temperament. Our carefully developed lines have very little white or white patches, making them some of the most visually striking and unique Presa Canarios available.

beast master kennel

When shopping for a Presa Canario puppy, we strongly recommend visiting our kennel and meeting the parents in person. The breed varies greatly in temperament, structure, size, and appearance, so it's important to choose the right one for you.

If you're looking for a loyal, intelligent, and powerful companion, our Presa Canario puppies for sale are the perfect fit. We're here to help you find the puppy that's right for you, so don't hesitate to contact us today. With Beast Master Kennels, you'll find more than just a pet – you'll find a lifelong companion.

Getting to know more about

Beast Master Kennels

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