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Beast Master Kennel

Beast Master Kennel

Puppy Rehoming Contract

Breeding Rights (additional fee)
Ears Cropped? (additional fee)
Shipping in US? (additional fee)

1. Contract Terms and Limitations

This contract applies exclusively to the original puppy and the original buyer, hereafter referred to as "Buyer." It is non-transferable to any second party except as described in Section 9-b. No replacement puppy will be provided if the original puppy has been bred. Additionally, no replacement puppy will be given if the original puppy has been neutered or spayed outside the terms outlined in this contract. The Buyer is responsible for all transportation costs associated with the original and replacement puppy to and from Beast Master Kennel.

Deposits made are NON-REFUNDABLE but can be transferred to another available litter in select cases.

2. Seller's Representations

a) As of the date of this agreement, the puppy is in good health and free from communicable diseases.

b) The Buyer has a 72-hour window to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian and personally inspect the puppy. During this period, the Buyer may return the puppy to the Seller for a full refund for any reason, provided the Buyer covers all return transportation costs to Beast Master Kennel.

3. Buyer's Representations

a) The Buyer is entirely satisfied with the puppy's conformation and outward appearance, meaning that the puppy meets the breed standard at its current age.

b) Upon purchase, the Buyer agrees to register the puppy with a name in the following format: [Insert Format] de Beast Master. This naming format is used for litter identification purposes. Please inquire about the litter before selecting a name.

4. Deposit and Payment Terms

Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE but can be transferred to a future litter of the Buyer's choosing. Note: Puppies must be fully paid for by 6 weeks of age to facilitate shipment at 8 weeks. Any puppies not paid for by the 6-week mark may be offered for resale. Exceptions to this rule should be specified in the "Special Provisions" section 9-f of this contract. Cash payments at pick-up are acceptable.

5. Health and Temperament

a) The Seller guarantees that the puppy is in good health and has received appropriate medical care, including vaccinations and deworming. A detailed medical chart outlining the puppy's treatment under the Seller's care and recommended future care will be provided to the Buyer.

b) The Seller also guarantees that the puppy is free from life-threatening diseases or disabilities (e.g., parvo) for 72 hours after the puppy's delivery to the Buyer. During this period, the Buyer may return the puppy to the Seller for a full refund for any reason, assuming the Buyer covers all return transportation costs to Beast Master Kennel. The Seller strongly recommends that the Buyer have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian of their choice within 72 hours of receiving the puppy.

c) It is strongly recommended that the Buyer attend obedience classes with the puppy and provide suitable socialization opportunities.

d) The undersigned parties agree to release and indemnify Beast Master Kennel, its proprietors, employees, and agents from any liability for personal injuries, property losses, or damages arising from any activities or actions of the puppy.

e) The Seller shall not be held responsible for the development of non-genetically derived disqualifying faults, diseases, or disorders.

f) If the puppy exhibits intolerable and irreversible aggressive behavior within 12 months of purchase, the Buyer must provide evidence of sufficient socialization efforts and attempted obedience training. Upon receipt of such evidence, evaluations of the puppy will be scheduled with three recognized canine breeders or trainers, one chosen by the Buyer, one by the Seller, and one jointly selected. If two of these experts deem the puppy irreversibly aggressive, the Buyer will arrange for the puppy's return to the Seller, who will then provide a replacement puppy of similar quality when available. If the puppy has not received adequate socialization, the Seller will accept the puppy back, but no replacement or refund will be offered.

g) The Seller guarantees that the puppy will achieve a passing OFA hip rating (Fair, Good, or Excellent) by the age of 3 years or a median or below distraction index when undergoing PennHIP evaluation. The examination must be conducted by the age of 3 years, and a copy of OFA or PennHIP certifications must be forwarded to the Seller. The Seller retains the right to require a second set of films for a second opinion, to be sent to OFA.

h) In the event that a Breed/Show quality puppy is diagnosed with any genetically derived medical disorder, the Seller will offer one of the following options upon provision of veterinary reports and, where applicable, Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) report, PennHIP evaluation, or Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) certification:

i) If the Buyer chooses to keep the puppy and accept a replacement of similar quality, they must cover any shipping or miscellaneous charges related to the transport of the replacement puppy. The original puppy must be spayed or neutered, and proof of spaying/neutering must be provided to the Seller before a replacement is provided.

j) If the Buyer chooses to relinquish ownership of the puppy to the Seller, the Buyer will be responsible for the cost of shipping or any miscellaneous charges necessary for the return transportation of the puppy to the Seller and the shipment of the replacement puppy from the Seller to the Buyer.

6. Maintenance

a) The Buyer agrees to maintain the puppy's good health, provide routine preventative healthcare, including annual physical exams by a licensed veterinarian, annual vaccinations, fecal exams, heartworm prevention, and rabies vaccinations as mandated by the state and county of the Buyer's residence.

b) Proper exercise and nutrition, including a high-quality dog food, shall be provided to maintain the puppy's proper weight and physical condition. The Buyer shall not supplement the puppy's diet unless directed to do so by a veterinarian. Foods with artificial preservatives are not recommended. Vitamin E is an acceptable preservative.

c) The Buyer and Seller shall promptly notify each other of any changes in their respective addresses or phone numbers during the puppy's lifetime.

d) The Buyer agrees that the puppy shall not be left solely in a backyard or kennel but shall be allowed to spend substantial quality time indoors with family members. The puppy is to become a cherished member of the family to ensure proper development and temperament.

7. Miscellaneous

a) In the event of reported and confirmed abuse or neglect of the puppy by the Buyer, the Seller's rights and ownership of the puppy will automatically terminate and revert back to the Seller, who may immediately assume possession. The Buyer agrees to cover all fees and costs involved in the repossession.

b) If circumstances arise that prevent the Buyer from keeping the puppy, the Buyer grants the Seller the Right of First Refusal to take possession of the puppy. The offer of Right of First Refusal will be presented to the Seller in writing, via certified mail. The Seller shall have five (5) working days after receiving the written offer to exercise this option. Any transfer of the puppy to the Seller shall be accompanied by the appropriate FCI registration papers properly endorsed by the Buyer.

c) The Buyer shall not sell, give away, or transfer the puppy without first offering the Seller the Right of First Refusal as described in Section 7-b above. Under no circumstances shall the puppy be surrendered

8. Liquidated Damages

a) Seller has endeavored for many years to protect the breed and her dogs from improper ownership and treatment. If Buyer breaches the Right of First Refusal (Section 9-b) or otherwise improperly surrenders the Puppy to another party (Section 9-c), Buyer will pay liquidated damages to Seller in the amount of $2000.

b) The reputation of Seller's kennel is the result of many years of work and professional experience, and inappropriate breeding of a bitch or dog from her kennel damages the reputation and value of her kennel name and of other litters. If the Puppy has been sold as Pet quality (and has not self-corrected) and is to be spayed or neutered, intentional or negligent breeding of such Puppy is detrimental to the breed and to Seller's kennel name. Acknowledging the intrinsic value of Seller's kennel name and the difficulty of precise damage calculations for the breach of the contract, Buyer agrees to pay Seller $2000 per puppy (alive or dead) born as a result of any breeding outside the parameters of this contract.

By typing your name below, Buyer(s) declare(s) that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to the above contract.

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