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Beast Master Kennel

International Canine Federation


Date of Publication of the Original Valid Standard:

June 4th, 2001


Guard dog and cattle herding

Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossoid, Mountain type dogs, and Swiss Cattle Dogs and other breeds. Section 2.1: Molossoid, mastiff-type. Without working trial. This classification within the FCI groups certain dog breeds together based on their characteristics and roles, focusing on those breeds known for their strength, guarding capabilities, and sometimes, their herding abilities. The mention of "without working trial" indicates that for this particular section, the breeds are not required to pass a specific working test to be classified.


A medium-sized Molossoid dog, eumetric, with a straight profile and a black mask. Rustic and well-proportioned.

It is a mesomorph whose body is longer than its height at the withers, with the elongated character slightly more pronounced in females.

General Appearance

A Molossoid dog originating from the Canary Islands, specifically Tenerife and Gran Canaria. It emerged from crossbreeding the indigenous "majorero," a pre-Hispanic livestock dog of the islands, with Molossoid dogs that arrived in the archipelago.

These crossings resulted in an ethnic grouping of mastiff-type dogs, of medium size, with brindle or fawn coats and white markings, robust morphology, characteristic of a Molosser but with agility and drive, of great temperament, rustic, active in character and loyal.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, the population of these dogs increased considerably, with numerous references to them in historical texts following the conquest, especially in the "Cedularios del Cabildo." These documents outline their roles, primarily as guardians and cattle herders, as well as their service in helping butchers subdue livestock.

Brief Historical Summary

Its demeanor is calm and its gaze attentive. It is particularly suited for guarding duties and traditionally for herding and managing cattle. The dog has a balanced temperament with great self-assurance. Its bark is deep and serious. It behaves gently and nobly with its family, showing strong attachment to its owner and wariness around strangers. It exudes confidence, nobility, and a somewhat distant expression. When alert, its stance is very firm and its gaze vigilant.

Temperament / Behavior

It is massive, brachycephalic type, solid-looking, covered with loose, detached skin. Its shape tends towards a somewhat elongated cube. The skull-to-muzzle ratio is 60-40%. The width of the skull is 3/5 of the total head length.


The cranial region features a slightly convex skull in both anteroposterior and transverse directions, although the frontal bone tends to be flat. Its width is very similar to its length. The zygomatic arch is very pronounced, with significant development of the temporal and masseter muscles without protrusions. The occipital crest is barely noticeable.

The naso-frontal depression (stop) is defined but not abrupt. The median groove between the frontal sinuses is marked, occupying about two-thirds of the skull. The cranio-facial lines are parallel or slightly convergent.

Cranial Region

Nose: Wide, strongly pigmented in black, aligned with the nasal bridge. The top vertex is slightly set back compared to the start of the lips, with large openings for easy breathing.

Muzzle: Shorter than the skull, typically 40% of the head's total length, tapering slightly towards the nose with a flat nasal bridge.

Lips: The upper lips hang without excess, forming an inverted V when viewed from the front, slightly divergent, with a dark interior.

Jaws/Teeth: Scissor bite preferred, pincer bite accepted but not desirable due to tooth wear. Slight prognathism may be allowed, with widely spaced canines and strong, large molars.

Eyes: Slightly oval, medium to large, well-spaced, with black pigmented eyelids, neither sunken nor bulging, varying from dark to medium brown, matching the coat color.

Ears: Medium-sized, well-spaced, short, and fine-haired, hanging effortlessly at the sides. If cropped (where legal), they stand erect.

This description outlines the key features of the dog's head, focusing on its nose, muzzle, lips, jaws/teeth, eyes, and ears, emphasizing the breed's distinctive characteristics and the ideal standards for its appearance

Facial Region

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